Fast From "No" Challenge

Willingness is a cheerful readiness to carry out a task or activity. The words
cheerful and readiness speak to your desire to support your partner and take action, even if it means some level of compromise or inconvenience on

Why this Challenge?

To dedicate energy and attention to the other person.

How to

Sometimes in relationships we can become a little too comfortable, this can lead to saying “no” often to the requests of your partner. For two full days, refrain from saying “no” to the requests of your partner. Take it a step further though, don’t just avoid saying “no”.  For two full days whenever your partner has a request, carry it our willingly and with enthusiasm.
NOTE: This challenge can get you slightly out of your comfort zone, however, it is not an excuse to manipulate or control your partner into doing something that jeopardizes their emotional or physical well-being or is ultimately against their will. If you aren’t both having a little fun with it, you are doing it the wrong way 🙂

"All I'm saying is that if you love someone, you should be willing to show it."

About Willingness

It’s easy to be committed to your partner when things are going well and
are predictable. It’s much more difficult when you don’t like how things
are going or if there is a lot of change. This is where the difference between
thinking, “I like my relationship and hope it continues” or “I’m committed
to learning and growing in my relationship” makes a significant difference.
Researchers at UCLA found one of the strongest predictors of long-lasting
marriages to be commitment. In other words, a willingness to do things
differently in order to make your relationship thrive again. And, if your
relationship is already thriving, willingness can bring a beautiful boost of
How would you rate your willingness to change or compromise in your
relationship? What are some recent ways that you have each
demonstrated willingness? Are there any difficulties or changes that you
can discuss with each other now?
One clue that you may not be willing to change for the relationship, is if
you view changing as losing. Meaning if you have to change, you feel that
somehow your partner has won and you have lost. When you notice this
happening, work to refocus your attention on the relationship and the
benefits that having a healthy and fulfilling relationship will bring.
Changing in order to reap these benefits is often worth any cost associated
with those changes. It’s incredible how much you and your future can
change, when you are willing.